Tuesday, June 26, 2007


First, ignore the title for this post. I just didn't want to post another set of links with the title "some more links" again.

Moving on, I recently stumbled upon a great ETF information resource at ETF Trends. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I haven't seen it before. In addition to considering myself a "King Of Links" (a title I just gave myself some time ago when I analyzed my responses to a lot of queries and questions in all forms and realized that I begin most of my statements with the words "Wait...let me send you a link for that...."), I also have been doing all my investing in ETFs.

I have been using the well known ETF Connect most often and I have sometimes browsed on Yahoo!'s ETF page. The thing is, I really haven't needed to investigate ETFs in general as much as I have had to spend time just doing basic investing. So my lack of knowledge is justified....I guess.

Well, the King is resting now.............

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